Small Business Blog

Small Business Tips and Training

A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Content Optimization for Small Businesses

You could have crafted the most in-depth content, but that wouldn’t matter if it’s not optimized for search engines. Optimizing your content for search engines, particularly your site content, is critical to ensuring it gets the visibility it deserves. Whether it’s content for your site, online course platforms, or emails, you also need your content […]

Read More A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Content Optimization for Small Businesses

Building a Healthy Workplace: Implementing Effective Mental Health Initiatives 

One in five U.S. adults (20%) experience some type of mental illness, such as anxiety and depression. And 33% of people feel extreme stress, and 77% say stress impacts their physical health. Some companies implement mental health initiatives in the workplace (e.g., wellness programs) to decrease stress and increase engagement.

Read More Building a Healthy Workplace: Implementing Effective Mental Health Initiatives 

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