Your Complete Guide to Small Business Video Marketing

Video is one of the most dynamic marketing mediums. Its moving picture element allows you to showcase what your product can do in an engaging way. Marketing videos are also more attention-grabbing due to this element of movement.

You should leverage video marketing to promote your products if you’re a small business. Here’s a complete guide on leveraging small business video marketing.

Small business video marketing

Ready to see the benefits of small business video marketing? Take a look at the following three tips to get started.

small business video marketing: 3 steps

1. Tap into UGC

User-generated content (UGC) is content on the web shared by online users that features your brand. Across all ages, 55% of consumers trust UGC more than any type of marketing. That’s not so hard to believe since UGC content is made by people without links to the business. As a result, it’s content that’s considered authentic. 

With this state in mind, leveraging UGC is a must for small businesses. Watch any successful business tips video, and that’s what it will tell you.

But, how do you collect UGC in the first place? Here are some tips you can follow:

  • Hold a giveaway that requires internet users to upload UGC. Decide on a prize relevant to your target audience.
  • You can gather UGC from influencers, too. Consider using an email lookup tool to look for influencers’ emails to send them your pitch for potential collaboration.
  • Encourage people to use your hashtag. Having a hashtag makes it easier to look for UGC across social media.
  • Use brand monitoring tools to search the web for UGC.

UGC makes for very effective social media posts. Just make sure you tell people to tag you when they create UGC. 

Whichever platform you use, repost the UGC for it to be visible on your feed. You can also incorporate this into your website.

2. Create engaging product videos

Product videos show your product in action. But, don’t just show what your product can do. Make sure product videos contain your unique value proposition. Your product videos should also be engaging enough for people to look at your content in the first place, too. You can incorporate your product videos into posts or use them in ads.

In addition to the video itself, make sure you also prioritize wording. Use captions that complement your videos. And when writing copy, get witty—use words that engage your audience. 

Make sure your product videos are brief but straight to the point. Once people have engaged with your product videos, you may retarget them with a different type of video content that will supplement what they already know about your product. 

 The retargeting possibilities for small business video marketing are endless. You just need to leverage them.

3. Include video testimonials

You can also use video to showcase customer testimonials about your brand. According to one report, 79% of people have watched a video testimonial to learn about a company. In other words, with video testimonials, you can increase awareness of your small business.

You could wait for your loyal customers to send you their video testimonials, but that can take forever. You need to adopt a more proactive approach. So, take it upon yourself to identify your happiest customers through your CRM data and reach out to them.

You may invite them for a sit-down interview or ask them to create their own video testimonial. 

To ensure you get a great video testimonial, ask your customers to answer the following questions in the video:

  • What was your life like before using our product?
  • How did you learn about us?
  • What is your life like after using our product?
  • Would you recommend our product to friends and family?

Don’t make them use a script. Remember, you want them to speak as naturally as possible. 

Incorporate these videos into your small business website, or post videos on your social media platforms (complete with hashtags!). That can hopefully be the final nudge that leads need to convert into paying customers.

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Summing it all up

People love videos. Videos get peoples’ attention and can sustain that attention. As a small business, you’d miss out if you don’t implement a video marketing strategy to promote your business. 

Again, there are many ways you can leverage video marketing, including:

  • Tap into UGC to show consumers your authentic brand
  • Leverage product videos and retarget customers with another video about your brand
  • Incorporate video testimonials into your site or post them to social media platforms

Follow these tips and reap the benefits of small business video marketing. Good luck!

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These views are made solely by the author.

David Campbell

David Campbell is a digital marketing specialist at Ramp Ventures. He helps manage the content marketing team at Right Inbox. When he's not working, he enjoys traveling and trying to learn Spanish.

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