The Art of Designing a LinkedIn Page That Drives Leads for Your Business

LinkedIn is one of the top social platforms for professionals. In its early days, this platform did not offer much in terms of marketing or security settings. Anyone associated with your company’s profile could easily make some edits, and this meant the information was either inaccurate or out-of-date. Since then, LinkedIn has added many new features and developed robust security systems that only allow administrators to make changes to company profiles in line with their marketing blueprint.

Just like many other small business social media sites, LinkedIn provides company owners with a chance to drive quality leads back to their businesses in a couple of ways. But for this to happen, the company page must have a compelling design.

Who do you think cares how a LinkedIn company page looks like?

There are two main groups who care about how a LinkedIn company page looks: Google visitors and savvy customers.

Whenever someone performs a Google search of your company, your business’s LinkedIn profile might be one of the top results. Given the succinct nature of the profile information on LinkedIn, most people will begin reading it before they head to your website. So, if the information on your company LinkedIn page fails to deliver the best first impression, it’s likely that no one will be interested in visiting your website.

Savvy customers have a habit of researching about a company before initiating a business deal. Usually, LinkedIn is the best place to begin. If these potential customers find that your company description is over three years old and your last news posting took place in 2010, they are likely to believe that you are out of business or are operating out of your parents’ basement.

Let’s have a look at how you can create a Linkedin company page that appeals to a large audience.

The best practices for creating business pages

Use the following steps when creating your LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn page design

Getting started

The first thing to do is to set up a company page on LinkedIn. You’ll need details like the URL, image, and address. The prompts will help you through each step until all the necessary details have been provided.

Add your logo and cover image

When people look up your business, the company logo will be one of the first things they’ll see. Additionally, any brand with an image and logo can get six times more exposure than those without these details. As such, the logo needs to stand out.

If a couple of your employees are on LinkedIn, their profiles can display your logo too. So if you aim to reach a wider audience, ensure all of them link to the company’s page.

For the banner image, consider using the same as the one on your website’s homepage. Don’t use stock photos and any other generic snapshots. If you want to use something different, then maybe pick a picture that displays your staff, company lobby, or a client using your product. Such relevant images can grab the attention of LinkedIn members.

Add description

The “about us” section covers all the details about your small business. Bear in mind that the text used must be SEO-friendly and carry a good dose of industry terminology (words that clients will be typing in the search bar).

If you don’t know how to go about drafting this section, then look at what already exists on your company’s homepage section with all the SEO properties. Using appropriate keywords will make your company easier to find on LinkedIn.

Don’t struggle to sell in your description. Here, you need to tell people what your company is about, what you offer, and what makes your company unique. Just be concise and less salesy.

Create showcase pages

Showcase pages are free custom pages that you create to target a particular market. A showcase page can allow you to promote a specific service or product for improved engagement.

Unlike the company page, a custom page gives you more space so you explain a product in detail (perhaps through imagery) and capture the attention of LinkedIn users. This page can also link to a company page or other showcase pages.

Create the “follow” company button

The only way you can keep interested people around is by creating a follow button for your company’s page. This way, your prospects will hang around, read your posts, or view images and maybe get converted into quality leads. Easy links can be attached to your blogs, newsletters, emails and any other marketing channels.

Promote your brand

Your company LinkedIn page might not drive a ton of traffic to your business if you stick to free services. However, with tailored business services, you can build brand recognition, gain massive followers and generate quality leads.

You might consider promoting your brand if you’re running an affiliate blog, eCommerce website, or even a fan page. They might be enjoying a huge amount of organic traffic, so a spice of social love wouldn’t hurt either.

The bottom line

LinkedIn is full of professionals who can be converted into useful leads, but to do that, your company must have a powerful page. If your profile is complete, the description is well optimized, and you have used proper promotional techniques, it will be far easier to lure visitors to your website. Remember, there’s no such thing as free lunch, so take advantage of any premium service that can help propel the influence of your brand to the next level.

These views are made solely by the author.

Catalin Zorzini

Catalin Zorzini is the founder of Ecommerce Platforms and Web App Meister. He's a design enthusiast and loves matcha, and is uber passionate about blockchain technology and travel.

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