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Give Your Business a Boost With Email Marketing Software [+ Top 5 Software Solutions]


As technology evolves, automation has become a must for business owners worldwide. From automating payroll to social media, businesses use automation every day to streamline their responsibilities. One task you may opt to automate is email marketing. And to do that, you can use email marketing software. But, how can email campaign software benefit your business? And, what are the best email platforms out there? Let us walk you through it.

What is email marketing software?

Email marketing software solutions are applications that allow you to plan, execute, monitor, and improve email marketing campaigns for your company. Instead of sending the emails out yourself, you can automate emails so they’re automatically sent out to leads and customers during their purchasing journey.

Email marketing is a popular way for business owners to build relationships with leads and clients, gain trust, and personalize experiences. In fact, roughly 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers. 

You can use email marketing software to:

With email marketing tools, you can avoid time-consuming tasks and automate email campaigns so you can spend more time focusing on your business. 

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What are the benefits of email marketing platforms?

There are plenty of perks to using email marketing software to help grow your business and contact prospects and current customers. Here are just a few ways that email marketing software can benefit your small business. 

1. Automates tasks

Obviously, the major appeal to email marketing software is the ability to automate time-consuming tasks, like sending email campaigns, reminder emails, etc. 

If you want to save more time for your business and stop stressing about sending out emails, consider using email marketing automation software.

With email software, you can automate:

Automating tasks also helps you optimize your time, giving you more to spend on other business tasks. 

2. Personalizes customer experience

Email marketing systems also allow you to personalize your customers’ experience, which is a win-win.

Customers love personalization and feeling seen and heard. Software can help you stand out and make specialized emails for customers.

With software, you can personalize:

The more you try to personalize different steps of the journey for your leads and customers, the better. 

3. Builds customer relationships

Email automations help you engage with your customers. And thus, build relationships with said customers.

With email automation, you can personalize messages for groups or individuals. Plus, you can use email and customer analytics to refine your targeting and messaging. 

4. Gives you insight 

With email services, you can learn a lot about your prospects and customers, like:

To find out if your campaigns are successful, your customers’ preferences, and what triggers your customers, you can track and measure the following metrics:

Best email marketing software for small businesses

Now that you know some background information on how email marketing software works and its perks, let’s get into the best software out there. Keep in mind your business’s needs while shopping for software. One software that works well for another business may not be the best fit for yours and vice versa. 

Without further ado, here are our top five email marketing services picks based on factors like features and pricing. 


Sendinblue is a complete email marketing SMS software for businesses. It’s easy to use for businesses with little to no email marketing experience and offers unique features made for non-designers and newbies. Sendinblue is also well known for its ability to send transactional emails (e.g., You left something in your cart). 

Highlights of Sendinblue:


A few disadvantages to Sendinblue include a somewhat complicated interface, and advanced template creation is an additional cost.


Drip is an email marketing platform that is popular for e-commerce businesses, digital marketers, and bloggers. The platform offers a variety of tools to make sales funnels, marketing automation, and personalization simple and easy for users. 

Highlights of Drip:


Although Drip can be a little pricier than other options, it offers competitive features for e-commerce websites and business owners looking to maximize their email marketing efforts. 


HubSpot is one of the most well-known and reputable platforms for businesses in the email marketing world. It has a wide range of customization and features, making it a good fit for many small businesses. 

Highlights of HubSpot:


One of the downsides to HubSpot is that it’s more expensive than other solutions. And, you may need to pay extra costs, like for additional contacts. 

Constant Contact 

Constant Contact is another great beginner-friendly email marketing platform for businesses. With Constant Contact, you can easily manage your lists, contacts, templates, and marketing calendar. Not to mention it comes with customizable options and advanced tools.

Highlights of Constant Contact:


With Constant Contact, pricing can add up quickly depending on how many contacts you need in the system. And, it lacks multi-channel automation where users can create workflows for not only emails but also SMS and social media.


AWeber has been in the game a while and offers a wide range of tools for small- and medium-sized businesses to manage their email marketing. The platform was specifically built with small businesses and entrepreneurs in mind. 

Highlights of AWeber:


AWeber lacks a number of advanced features that other platforms offer, such as sophisticated automations. The user experience isn’t as intuitive as it could be for users, either. 

Additional email marketing platforms

Of course, it goes without saying that there are tons of email marketing software options to choose from. Here are a few more that didn’t make our top five list, but are still strong options for small businesses:

Review the pros and cons of each platform before making any email marketing software decisions. When looking at software, consider must-have features for your business, pricing, and disadvantages. Check out customer reviews to see what others have to say and what their experience was with the software. 

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