When running a small business, it can be extremely tempting to cut financial corners, and one of the first potential items on the chopping block is the budget for employee training programs. However, well-trained employees are an essential part of any business, even the smallest one. The thing is—untrained employees drain budgets by not working […]
Read More How to Train Your Employees Without Blowing Your Budget
Guest Author:
Jill Phillips
Jill Phillips is a freelance writer and content manager at assignyourwriter.co.uk from Buffalo, NY. She is an aspiring entrepreneur and tech enthusiast, who loves to share her insight on various topics. When she is not writing, Jill enjoys taking photos and hiking with her dog. Connect with Jill via Twitter @jillphlps

Small Business Employee Retention: Best Practices
Creating and developing a small business employee retention strategy is as important as developing your sales, marketing, compensation, and financial planning programs. In the dicey waters that face every small business, a consistent employee base can be the difference between success and failure and stagnation and growth. Whether your business is established or a startup, […]
Read More Small Business Employee Retention: Best Practices